Mission Statement
This club is a social organization that brings together Villagers who have a common interest in collecting or shooting a variety of firearm types, for their own enjoyment, and who are interested in promoting the safe use of firearms in general. The club can provide a forum for its members to share their enjoyment of firearms and shooting, and be a clearing house for information relating to shooting events in the Central Florida area.
The club does not sponsor or support any one event or shooting discipline over another. The club may also provide or arrange for educational opportunities for shooters relating to firearm safety and licensing, firearms training, care and maintenance, swap-type get-togethers, and a social atmosphere where members can "talk guns & shooting" and other mutual interests.
The club does not sponsor or support any one event or shooting discipline over another. The club may also provide or arrange for educational opportunities for shooters relating to firearm safety and licensing, firearms training, care and maintenance, swap-type get-togethers, and a social atmosphere where members can "talk guns & shooting" and other mutual interests.